
Water, chocolate, wool, chlorophyll and additives.

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email: i(at)

The WeatherPixie

moon phase

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  • Links
    These are a few of my favourite links.

  • James doesn't write much, but if I tell complete lies about him, his version will be here.
  • Prasenjit is my favourite astrophysicist.
  • Bruno is my favourite web comic.
  • Yarnharlot - even if you're not a knitter, this is one of the funniest descriptions of perfectionism from the inside.
  • LanguageLog is where the linguists go to play.
  • Earthquakes in California, and around the world, as they happen.
  • Misia is writing a book about the history of virginity.
  • Respectful of Otters - politics, HIV, getting the facts straight.
  • Making light on being a leftish science fiction editor
  • UserFriendly is my favourite geeky web comic.
  • NCBI for all your genomic sequence needs
  • Creating Text(iles) - knitting in academia
  • String or Nothing - knitting and sharing knitting resources
  • Keyboard biologist - knitting while living with a geek
  • QueerJoe's knitting blog is exactly that
  • When knitting was a manly art in the wilds of Oregon
  • And she knits too along with running a family and postdoc.

    Mon, 28 May 2007

    Bye bye

    I have to try to survive without my laptop for maybe a day, while a screen problem is fixed. Wish me luck.

    [/blosxom] permanent link

    Hello World!!!!!

    This is my first post to a Blosxom blog. The other posts will be more interesting, I promise.

    [/blosxom] permanent link


    I've been a bit behind, trying to edit all my holiday posts, but here they all are now, dated to roughly when I started composing them.

    Reading over them, I thought it'd be worth mentioning that the scratch on my nose is now healed, but I do have a scar and a tiny bump. I hope it's just the final healing.

    Also, our camera is out for service, so there are no holiday photos, not even theoretically.

    Update to the update: I forgot to report on Sunday's party, I've post-dated it appropriately.

    [/blosxom] permanent link